
A changelog documents the updates and changes made to Menote app over time.

  • UI improvements - Update background gradient visual effect
  • Add code block support for new languages such as Swift, Rust, Go, Python, PHP e.t.c
  • List 10 recent notes in the Menote menubar icon context menu.
  • Add "Show notes in Finder" menu item at the menubar icon context menu.
  • Add "Create new note" menu item at the menubar icon context menu.
  • Squash more bugs to make Menote better and faster.
  • Fix an issue where Menote app crashes if user has less than 10 notes.
  • Fix an issue where "welcome" note regenerates when the Menote app restarts.
  • Improve link text label color contrast.
  • More user interface improvements.
  • Update app icon.
  • More user interface improvements.
  • Squash more bugs to make Menote better and faster.
  • Update the Beta expiry date to 02/06/2024.
  • Add settings window.
  • Allow user to change default notes store location.
  • Improve focus lock on the notes editor.
  • More user interface improvements.
  • Squash more bugs to make Menote better and faster.
  • Fix an issue where the note editor overflows and clips.
  • More user interface improvements.
  • Squash more bugs to make Menote better and faster.
  • Fix an issue where saved settings does not persist after app restart.
  • More user interface improvements.
  • Squash more bugs to make Menote better and faster.
  • Implement "Large View" feature.
  • More user interface improvements.
  • Squash more bugs to make Menote better and faster.
  • Update beta expiry date to 2024/07/15
  • More user interface improvements.
  • Squash more bugs to make Menote better and faster.